What Does “Express” Mean? New Stuff, Right Away!

Yellow Springs residents are enthusiastic requestors of library materials, making full use of books, films, and music from other libraries in Greene County and throughout Ohio. You wait patiently as your item travels across the state, or as you slowly move up on the list for the latest book or movie. And you can get pretty excited when it arrives on the holds shelf for you.

But sometimes, you don’t want to wait. You need something current and fresh right now!

We can help. We have express DVDs and express books—extra copies of the latest popular titles, just for browsing. We don’t use these special copies to fill requests, so as soon as they’re returned, we put them back on the shelf, ready for the next browser. For maximum availability, express items have a short loan period: one week for books and two days for DVDs.

At Yellow Springs Community Library you’ll find express books along the wall next to the office door. Find express DVDs on the pyramid in the center of the library. Take a look, and you may find the very book or movie that you’ve been waiting for.