I have a confession to make. I have worked for Greene County Public Library for over 32 years, and up until a few months ago, I had never lead a book club meeting. In fact, I had never attended a book club meeting! I love to read; I read all the time. And I think book clubs are great! They are a wonderful way for folks to socialize and share their enjoyment of books and reading. I just have never felt compelled to join a book club and have been happy to let other librarians lead the groups we sponsor.
That all changed in May. Two of Winters-Bellbrook Community Library’s Adult Services Librarians had left our employ in the same month, leaving three book clubs needing leadership. Our two new librarians, Liz and Brenna, are well qualified to take on all our book club duties. But, due to scheduling difficulties, one particular book club meeting needed a leader. I would have to be that leader.
But this wasn’t just a regular, meet in the library, chat around a table meeting. This was the Walk and Talk Book Club! This club meets at Sweet Arrow Reserve where they take a hike while discussing their books.
So it was with a bit of trepidation I thought about the meeting. How to come up with questions? How does one discuss ideas while avoiding tripping over stones and logs? But I’m lucky, because we have a very collaborative bunch of librarians in Greene County. Christa, a librarian at Beavercreek Community Library, kindly shared questions their group had used. I picked the brains of others for tips on running a book discussion.
It was a wonderful experience. The evening was lovely. Heather, our guide from the Bellbrook Sugarcreek Park District, led us expertly around the trails. The members made interesting and insightful comments on the book, and fun was had by all, including me!
Guess it shows that it’s never too late to try something new!
There are book clubs going on at all of the Greene County Public Library locations. At Winters-Bellbrook Community Library we have The Classics Book Club (reading classic books), Cluein’ and Chewin’ (members bring snacks to share related to the mystery book of the month), Winters Book Discussion Group (discussing a wide range of literature), and the Walk and Talk. Maybe you’d like to try something new and join in. It’s never too late!
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