October 2020

Scarves for Red Scarf Project

This Month's Organization:

Cards and cookies from home are important to college students. Sadly, few foster youth receive them. That’s why Foster Care to Success developed the Care Package Program. Each school year, our students receive three care packages to help them feel just like their college peers. The handmade red scarves in our Valentine’s Day care packages become treasured keepsakes that our students wear for years.


Instructions can be found on Foster Care to Success' website.

Size: Approximately 60” long and 5” to 8” wide. Scarves should be long enough to be wrapped around the neck, with tails long enough to be tied in the front.

Style: Think unisex collegiate. Fringes are optional. Your scarf should drape, tie easily and be soft.

Color: Red! However, this could mean burgundy, cherry, russet, red stripes with other colors, or multicolor hues including red.

Project Type:

Crochet, Knitting.

Supplies You'll Need:

Yarn, crochet hook or knitting needles.

Deadline and Drop-off Instructions:

Drop-off your finished project off by October 31, 2020, during regular hours at any Greene County Public Library location. To ensure that your item remains clean during transit, please enclose it in a plastic zipper bag.

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