February 2022

Little Dresses for Africa

This Month's Organization:

Little Dresses for Africa is a Christian 501(c)3 providing humanitarian relief to the most vulnerable of God’s children: little girls. These dresses, made by volunteers from around the world, go out as little ambassadors to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy. As relationships are built, projects are completed through clean water, education and community.


Following the simple steps, any size new or gently used pillow case can be quickly turned into a prized possession for a grateful little girl in Africa. Pillow case patterns are only a suggestion, so feel free to use your own material if you’d rather! Any simple pattern is fine to use. Feel free to add pockets, or lace. Buttons as decorations are great, but please avoid zippers as they are difficult to repair in the villages.

These dresses will be the only item of clothing for many of the children. Please make sure they are machine sewn. They do not have to be fancy but they MUST be sturdy. Finish all edges and do not use ribbon for ties, as they are not strong enough to hold up in 3rd world climates. Elastic is a much better choice.

Thousands of little dresses are received from all over the world sewn by amazing volunteers, which is great! We aren’t going to run out of children in need. To help us get them to the children quickly, please group your beautiful dresses by small, medium and large size. They do not need to be individually sized but just in groups for easy re-packing. They are measured from the shoulder. Please, no straight pins! Being pricked by a straight pin in Africa during distributions can be life-threatening, so avoid using pins to size the dresses.

Patterns: https://littledressesforafrica.org/printables/

Project Type:


Supplies You'll Need:

Sewing machine, fabric, and other sewing supplies.


End of the month. Please drop off at any Greene County Public Library location in a clean zippered plastic bag (or something appropriate to help us keep your work clean and undamaged).


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