From Dale Okorodudu, MD and Director, Micah Autry, a Greene County Premiere of the Documentary...
"Fewer black men applied to medical school in 2014 than in 1978 and black men have the lowest life expectancy in the United States. With only 2% of American doctors being black men, this comes as no surprise. This documentary dissects the systemic barriers preventing black men from becoming medical doctors and the consequences on society at large," from the Black Men in White Coats homepage.
As part of our 2021 observance of Black History Month, we were honored to participate in the national premiere of the documentary, Black Men in White Coats. With people viewing online from their homes across Greene County, we were excited to further connect the message to our community with a panel discussion that followed. Featured at the event was John Gudgel from Yellow Springs Schools, Dr. Karen Mathews from Central State University, Dr. Gabe Lofton from Xenia Community Schools, Dr. Christopher Holloway from Kettering Health Network's Soin Medical Center, and Joshua Madden from Wright State University 's Boonshoft School of Medicine.
You can watch the community panel discussion below. Wider distribution for Black Men in White Coats is currently in the works and you can learn more about the documentary and the movement at