Internet and Computer Workstation Policies
- 6A. Conditions and Terms of Use
- 6B. Circulating Laptop Computer and Tablet Policies
- 6C. Online Conduct and Social Media
6A. Conditions and Terms of Use
Users of the public computers and tablets are responsible for their own choices. Parents and guardians are responsible for the use of these resources by their own minor children. (AUP) (Acceptable Use Policy appears on the screen at the beginning of each session for the patron to acknowledge.) See also Appendix A.
Users shall not:
- misrepresent themselves as another person
- attempt to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others
- seek unauthorized access to any computer system
- damage or alter software components of any network or database
- upload information to a library computer's hard drive
- modify any library screens or programs (AUP)
The library reserves the right to charge for printing. (AUP)
Users may bring their own paper and envelopes or use library-supplied paper. The printing charge regardless of whose paper is used is 15¢ per page.
Users may bring their own storage devices and media for the purposes of uploading, downloading, or storing data. Documents saved to the computers’ hard drives are erased on a regular basis. The library is not responsible for damage to a patron's storage device, media, or computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from use of the library's computers.
Library staff assistance with technology is available as staff time permits.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the reproduction of copyrighted material. The user of the public computer is liable for any infringement. (AUP)
Misuse of the library's computers and/or the internet may result in loss of library privileges. (AUP)
The library accepts no responsibility for unauthorized access or modification of accounts or materials accessed through the library’s computers or networks.
a) Public Computers
The following uses of a public computer at the library are prohibited:
- illegal purposes
- displaying or disseminating graphics or materials which may reasonably be construed as obscene (AUP)
The sending of any information, including name, address, and credit card numbers, via the internet is at the sole risk of the user. (AUP)
Use of a public computer is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Patrons wishing to recommend access to a site disallowed by the library's internet management software may use the "Request for Addition of a Title/Source" form to request addition of the site. Likewise, patrons wishing to recommend that access to a site be denied may use the "Request for Reconsideration" form.
The library reserves the right to end a public computer session at any time. (AUP)
b) Wireless Internet Access
Free wireless internet access is provided to patrons and guests. Patrons are responsible for configuring their own wireless equipment.
c) Early Literacy Stations
No library card is required.
Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Computers in the Youth Services area are intended for patrons under the age of 18.
6B. Circulating Laptop Computer and Tablet Policies
The Greene County Public Library circulates laptop computers and tablets for use by Greene County Public Library patrons within the library.
a) Eligible Borrowers
- Circulating laptops and tablets are available for current Greene County Public Library patrons who have a non-delinquent library card with a limit 10 status or higher. Visitors or guests without a valid Greene County Public Library card are not eligible.
b) Borrowing Guidelines
- Circulating laptops/tablets must be used in the library. They may not be taken out of the building.
- Circulating laptops/tablets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. No advanced reservations will be accepted.
- The loan period is 2 hours.
- Circulating laptops/tablets may not be borrowed for other individuals.
- Only one circulating laptop/tablet is loaned out per person.
- Patrons borrowing laptops/tablets are responsible for them the entire time they are loaned out.
c) Return Procedures
- The circulating laptop/tablet must be returned to library staff at the public service desk.
- The staff will check the circulating laptop/tablet for any damage. If damage has occurred, charges will be assessed accordingly.
- All circulating laptops/tablets must be returned to the public service desk 15 minutes before the library closes. There are no overnight loans on laptops/tablets.
d) Fines and Liability
- Patrons are responsible for all costs associated with damage, loss, or theft of the circulating laptop/tablet.
e) Printing and Saving
- Patrons may save their data to their personal storage devices or to their personal web space. Data saved to the laptops' "C" drive will be deleted once the laptop is powered off.
- Patrons are encouraged to save their work frequently. Battery failure may result in lost work.
- Printing is available with the laptops at 15¢ per side of page. All print jobs are sent to a networked printer.
f) Additional Guidelines
- Patrons may not install their own software or change system settings.
- Greene County Public Library is not responsible for damage to personal storage devices or for the loss of any data.
- Greene County Public Library is not responsible for the cost or loss of any paid applications downloaded to tablets.
g) Conditions and Terms for Use for Laptops
Patrons must use circulating laptops/tablets in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy. See also Appendix A.
6C. Online Conduct and Social Media
All of Greene County Public Library social media pages are designed to help encourage connection and conversation, while increasing awareness and access within Greene County. The focus will be on our catalog and resources, both digital and physical, as well as programming, events, and other news relevant within our communities.
While we encourage healthy and productive dialogue on social media, Greene County Public Library has the right and obligation to remove any posts or comments as well as block any users that do not adhere to the commenting guidelines below.
Under no circumstances does Greene County Public Library accept or tolerate cyberbullying and/or posts or comments that are discriminatory, illegal, racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, or obscene. Additionally, spam, posts that contain falsehoods, are not related to the original post, or that libel, incite, threaten or make attacks on employees, guests or other individuals will be removed. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial or other ventures. Using the library’s name to promote or endorse any product, cause or political party or candidate is not permitted.
Participation is at the discretion and risk of the individual, who is expected to take personal responsibility for the individual's social media identity, including (but not limited to) comments, username and any information provided. Please be aware that all content and posts are bound by that platform’s terms of service.
The Greene County Public Library encourages user interaction on its social pages, but is not responsible for comments or wall postings made by visitors to the page. Additionally, the appearance of external links, as posted by fans of this page or other Facebook users, does not constitute endorsement on behalf of the Greene County Public Library. In most if not all cases, external links posted by fans will be removed.
Do not provide private or personal information (phone, email, addresses etc.) regarding yourself or others on this page. Any posts or comments containing personal information of this nature will be hidden.