Special Services and Special Collections
- 2A. Photocopiers
- 2B. Study Room(s)
- 2C. Exam Proctoring
- 2D. Notary Public
- 2E. Voter Registration
- 2F. Golden Buckeye Registration
- 2G. Service Limitations
- 2H. Special Collections for Teachers
- 2I. Outreach Services
- 2J. Makerspace
- 2K. Maker Appointment Policy
- 2L. Maker Kits
- 2M. Circulating Mobile Hotspots
- 2N. Streaming Devices
2A. Photocopiers
The library provides photocopiers at each location. The charge is 15¢ per copy.
2B. Study Room(s)
Study rooms are available at the Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia libraries. Groups or individuals using a study room must sign up for use of the room. Sign-ups are for one hour but may be extended if there are no groups or individuals requesting use. Typical use of a study room is for group study, tutoring, or committee work. Activities in a study room should not create a disturbance or interfere with the conduct of library business.
2C. Exam Proctoring
Proctoring is available at the Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia libraries for students in accredited degree or certificate granting programs. Conditions for proctoring must be within the library's service limitations. The student must make an appointment with the designated proctor and reserve the meeting or study room.
2D. Notary Public
The Greene County Public Library does not provide a notary official at its service locations. Patrons are directed to appropriate sources to secure the services of a notary.
2E. Voter Registration
Citizens may register to vote at all Greene County Public Libraries. New registrations and name and address changes may be completed at any time and will be forwarded to the Greene County Board of Elections; however, registrants must check with the Election Board to confirm their eligibility to vote. The Election Board, and not the library, handles absentee voter ballot applications.
2F. Golden Buckeye Registration
People who are at least 60 years old or disabled can register for Golden Buckeye cards at all Greene County Public Libraries. Staff members must verify proof of age or disability. Completed forms are faxed to the State of Ohio and materials are returned to applicant. If fax is not available, applicant is instructed to mail verified application. No copies are retained at the library.
2G. Service Limitations
The library does not provide any office services, equipment, or supplies such as fax, telephone, photocopying, and computers, except as available in regular patron areas. Pay phones are available near each location. The library does not have staff available for loading, unloading, or the carrying of group's materials.
2H. Special Collections for Teachers
Patrons eligible for a teacher/educator's card may request a collection of materials on a particular topic or subject area by completing a Classroom Collection Form. The individual borrowing the materials is personally responsible for return of the items as well as any fines, damages, or replacement costs that may be incurred.
2I. Outreach Services
Homebound delivery is a program designed to assist Greene County residents who are unable to utilize the library safely due to age, illness or physical limitations. This includes individuals who reside in their own homes, an assisted living facility or nursing home. In an effort to provide Outreach Services to a targeted population, we seek to recognize the individuality of each patron and the uniqueness of his or her needs. Patrons may request items online and have them delivered or items will be selected for the individuals, taking their taste in materials into consideration.
When there is someone in the home able to come to the library for the homebound patron, they are encouraged to do so. This service is reserved for those without family assistance. Outreach Services also serves senior living facilities by: bringing library material to the activity coordinator for their use with residents, delivering items to individuals living in the facilities, bringing a mini-library on a monthly basis, and leading book discussions
as time allows.
To ensure the safety for our staff, we request that any pets be contained away from the delivery area, either behind a closed door or in a cage. When this is not possible, the pickup and delivery of library items will be made outside the front door of the house.
a) Eligibility for Home Delivery
Eligible home delivery patrons must reside in Greene County and meet one of the following criteria:
- Be unable to safely come to the library due to age, illness, or physical disability. (Please note: A doctor’s certification may be required.) Deliveries may include materials for the minor children of homebound patrons.
- Live in a nursing/rehabilitation facility or an assisted living facility.
- Be a full-time caretaker of a person who is unable to utilize the library safely due to age, illness, or physical limitations. Deliveries are made only in Greene County. If an individual is a full-time caretaker or is receiving full-time care in Greene County, either may receive our services.
Note: If the patron currently has a library card, the account must be in good standing. Patrons who owe $5 or more in fines and fees are ineligible until they are below the fine threshold.
b) Borrowing Policies
An Outreach Services staff member will deliver and pick up library items on a regular monthly schedule. Patrons are expected to be available when delivery is made or to make prior arrangements with the library staff.
Items will be loaned to home delivery patrons and facilities for 6 weeks, in order to allow for delivery and pickup on a monthly basis.
Home delivery patrons may renew items one time if there are no requests on the library materials.
The number of items delivered may be limited because of staff workload or availability of the types of items desired.
Home delivery patrons are fine-free, but are required to pay charges for lost or damaged items.
No other person is eligible to use your personal library card. The privileges of 6 week borrowing time and being fine free only apply to the homebound patron.
c) Materials Available
All circulating material is available to the home delivery patron.
d) Other Services Provided
We are a sub-lender for the Talking Book Program, sponsored by the National Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
We are a sub-lender for the WORDS Radio Program sponsored by Goodwill/Easter Seals.
Withdrawn books are donated to the Greene County Jail and to other facilities.
2J. Makerspace
- Tools and equipment in the makerspace are available on a first come, first served basis with priority given to any previously scheduled library use. All makerspace users must have a liability waiver on file prior to using the makerspace.
- The user (or, if a minor, their parent or guardian) is responsible to pay any GCPL charges or fees for all loss or damage to GCPL property or clean-up expense. GCPL is not responsible for any damage to, or loss or theft of, the user’s property.
- All materials to be used in the makerspace must be approved by staff prior to use with makerspace equipment. Only those materials approved may be used.
- GCPL supplies 3D printer filament for a fee to users. Other consumable materials may be available for purchase. Fees for consumable materials are charged to cover the library’s cost.
- Anything created in the makerspace must comply with GCPL policies and all applicable federal, state, or local legal requirements. GCPL reserves the right to refuse or halt any projects that are not compliant with GCPL policy or applicable federal, state, or local legal requirements.
- Projects are subject to the approval of makerspace staff prior to equipment use. GCPL staff reserves the right to end a user’s makerspace session at any time.
- Users are responsible for ensuring stations are cleaned with all items, including tools, accessories, and the like, are in their original locations when finished.
- GCPL shall accept no liability whatsoever if a project is destroyed, does not fabricate correctly, or does not work.
- The user agrees that GCPL is not responsible for any manufacturing defects or the quality or workmanship of any of the tools, materials, or equipment supplied by GCPL, or for the quality or condition of a user’s project.
- Users agree not to use the makerspace to send, receive or create materials or data that are illegal, offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene, threatening, or in breach of human or civil rights, copyright, confidence, privacy, or any other legal rights. Users agree not to use the makerspace to fabricate or alter weapons of any kind.
- The user shall indemnify GCPL against any third party claims or legal proceedings that are brought against GCPL that arise from the user’s use of the makerspace.
- Use of the makerspace by any individual constitutes acceptance of this policy and the Makerspace Use Agreement and Release of Liability, regardless of whether she or he has signed the Makerspace Use Agreement and Release of Liability.
- Parents or guardians of minors are solely responsible for the supervision of the minor’s use of the makerspace. A minor’s use of the makerspace constitutes acceptance of the Makerspace Use Agreement and Release of Liability by the minor's parents.
2K. Makerspace Appointment Policy
The Makerspace has equipment reservations available at Spark Place at the Xenia Community Library.
Appointments are preferred but walk-in use is permitted providing equipment and staff are available.
a) Reserving Equipment
- Makerspace appointments should be made in person or via telephone by the individual wishing to use the equipment.
- Appointments are only available when the library is open and within our predetermined reservation time slots
- Appointments are made on a first come first served basis.
- Appointments may be booked within the next four weeks. No appointments are to be booked more than four weeks in advance.
- Appointments are for two hours at a time. Additional time may be granted at staff discretion.
- A user may have no more than eight hours of appointment time per machine per week.
- Walk-in use does not count toward this limit.
- There is a 15 minute grace period after which the appointment will be cancelled.
b) Library Programs
Library programs will take precedence over all other scheduled appointments. If there is a conflict between a library program and an equipment reservation, the library reserves the right to cancel the appointment at any time. While the library reserves the right to change or cancel reservations when necessary, the library will endeavor to avoid such conflict.
c) Group Reservations
- Groups (defined by the makerspace as more than four people that are not all immediate family) wishing to use the makerspace should reserve space by filling out the group visit request form on the library webpage.
- Groups must have at least one adult present at all times.
- Group visit requests should be placed a minimum of two weeks prior to the desired reservation date.
d) Responsibility of Users
- Users are responsible for calling as early as possible to inform us of any necessary cancellations.
- Two or more missed appointments without prior notification to the makerspace within a four week period may result in restrictions in booking future appointments.
- Users are responsible for ensuring their jobs will finish and applicable machine cleanup completed by the end of their designated appointment time. Staff may terminate any jobs that run into the next appointment. User will be responsible for material cost regardless of completion of job.
- The makerspace will attempt to reach the patron if the library closes for an emergency or if the reserved equipment is out of order and unlikely to be repaired prior to the start of the appointment.
e) Termination
The library reserves the right to terminate any appointment, and/or place restrictions on future appointment bookings in accordance with library policy.
2L. Maker Kits
The Greene County Public Library loans maker kits that focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) themes and are designed for use under careful adult supervision with age-appropriate audiences.
a) Eligible Borrowers
- Maker kits are available for current patrons who have a library card with a verified address (patrons with a 10 item checkout limit or higher).
- A signed maker kit waiver form (see Appendix E) is required.
b) Borrowing Guidelines
- Maker kits are available at the public service desk and may be borrowed for 21 days.
- Maker kits require a library card in hand and must be made to the individual cardholder only. Maker kits may not be loaned to other individuals.
- The library may limit quantities due to size of collection.
- Patrons borrowing maker kits are responsible for the box contents the entire time they are loaned out.
- Maker kits will have an inventory of tools/machinery (must be returned) and supplies/consumables (may be used and/or kept by borrower).
c) Return Procedures
- Maker kits must be returned to library employees at the service desk (do not use library book drops to return maker kits).
- Staff will check the maker kits for any damage or missing contents. If damage or loss has occurred, charges will be assessed accordingly.
d) Fines and Liability
- The borrower assumes all responsibility for the box and contents.
- The library assumes no liability for use of the maker kit while loaned out to a patron.
- The overdue fine for a maker kit is $5 per day ($30 max).
- Charges for lost or damaged accessories (tools/machinery) will be assessed.
- Replacement costs for maker kits vary, with some valued at $200 or more.
2M. Circulating Mobile HotSpots
The Greene County Public Library circulates mobile hotspots for use by Greene County Public Library patrons.
a) Eligible Borrowers
- Circulating mobile hotspots are available for current Greene County Public Library patrons at least 18 years of age who have a non-delinquent library card with a limit 10 status or higher. Visitors or guests without a valid Greene County Public Library card are not eligible.
b) Borrowing Guidelines
- The loan period is 21 days. Express hotspots circulate for 2 days.
- Only one circulating mobile hotspot is loaned out per household.
- Circulating mobile hotspots may be reserved on a patron’s valid library card.
- Circulating mobile hotspots may be renewed up to 10 times. Express hotspots may not be renewed.
- Overdue circulating mobile hotspots may be deactivated within 24 hours after due date.
c) Return Procedures
- The staff will check the circulating mobile hotspot for any damage. If damage has occurred, charges will be assessed accordingly.
d) Fines and Liability
- Patrons are responsible for all costs associated with damage, loss, or theft of the circulating mobile hotspot.
- If the hotspot is not returned in good working condition, with all included parts and in the original packaging, the patron will be charged a $50 replacement fee.
- Damaged devices or parts will be charged at full replacement cost.
- An overdue charge of $1 per day ($10 max) up to the full replacement cost of $50 will be charged for a hotspot that is not returned. Overdue charges for Express hotspots is $5 per day ($30 max) up to replacement of $50.
e) Additional Guidelines
- Patrons may not change system settings.
- The Library or Service Provider is not responsible for any files, data, or personal information accessed, transmitted, lost or damaged while accessing the internet via the hotspot.
f) Conditions and Terms of Use for Mobile Hotspots
- Patron use of the hotspot is subject to the Service Provider's Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use, and the Greene County Public Library's Internet Use policy. It is the patron’s responsibility to read and abide by these policies.
2M. Streaming Devices
The Greene County Public Library circulates streaming devices for patrons to gain access to free streaming channels at home.
a) Eligible Borrowers
- Streaming devices are available for current Greene County Public Library patrons at least 18 years of age who have a non-delinquent library card with a limit 10 status or higher. Visitors or guests without a valid Greene County Public Library card are not eligible.
b) Borrowing Guidelines
- The loan period is 21 days.
- Only one streaming device is loaned out per household.
- Streaming devices may be reserved on a patron’s valid library card.
- Streaming devices may not be renewed.
- Failure to return the streaming device and accessories within 6 weeks after the original due date will result in a charge to the cardholder’s account of $60.
- Borrower will receive a streaming device in a case with:
- Streaming device
- Remote
- An HDMI cable
- A power adaptor
- Instruction sheet
c) Return Procedures
- Streaming devices may be returned at the servie desk or in the bookdrop.
- Staff will check for all components and any damage. If damage has occurred, charges will be assessed accordingly.
- Failure to return any of the components will result in a charge to the cardholder’s account for the replacement cost of the material(s). Full replacement cost is $60.
d) Fines and Liability
- Patrons are responsible for all costs associated with damage, loss, or theft of the streaming device.
- If the streaming device not returned in good working condition, with all included parts and in the original packaging, the patron will be charged a $60 replacement fee.
- Damaged devices or parts will be charged at full replacement cost.
- An overdue charge of $1 per day ($10 max) up to the full replacement cost of $60 will be charged for a streaming device that is not returned.
e) Additional Guidelines
- Borrowers may not download or delete any titles, accounts, or content from the streaming device
- The Greene County Public Library streaming devices are pre-associated with select accounts and content, in accordance with the Library’s collection policies.
- The Library is not responsible for any costs incurred while borrowers use the equipment. The Library does not provide batteries for the remote.
- The Library is not responsible for clearing stored data from a streaming device after it is returned, and is not responsible for personal information left on the device.
- A borrower should have these technical requirements at home to use a streaming device:
- Wi-fi
- A TV with an HDMI port