The Longest Ride, Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of the Online Book Club discussion of The Longest Ride.

Did you enjoy the beginning of the book? Are you a fan of bull-riding? I think it is such an incredibly dangerous and stressful sport. I can't imagine going to see a bull-riding event in person. I would be terrified the entire time!

What do you think of our main characters? I think Ira's storyline is more interesting--at least his story about his relationship with Ruth. I hate reading about Ira's present, though. His car crash was horrendous, and it's so hard to read about him being in so much pain. Don't you enjoy getting to understand more about his past and his relationship with Ruth? I think they have such an endearing love story. What did you think about the fact that Ira broke up with Ruth when he realized that he probably wouldn't be able to have children? Was it fair for him to do that to Ruth without talking to her first? Were you surprised that she decided to stay with Ira, even after he told her that they would probably not be able to have a biological family? 

Do you mind the fact that Ira is hallucinating about Ruth and that her hallucination is helping him survive in the car? Does it seem too far-fetched and magical for the story? Or, are you glad that she still gets to be an important character in the book, even though she's dead? 

What do you think of Sophie and Luke? I think they both seem like really nice people, and I like how Luke is so kind to Sophie. Sophie's former boyfriend, Brian, was a real heel. I couldn't believe how he kept following her and wouldn't listen to her when she said that she didn't want to interact with him. I really like Luke, and I really like reading about his ranch and his life there. It's so much more fun to read about his calm life on the ranch versus his life in the ring. Why do you think Luke keeps riding even though he had such a horrific injury? I think I would like to just spend my days at the ranch and not have to worry about the stress of riding and getting injured again. 

Right now, Sophia and Luke are experiencing a lot of love but not a lot of conflict or stress. Do you think their relationship will continue to be so easy? What kinds of conflict do you think could pop up for the two of them as the book progresses? Are you excited to keep reading to see where the story goes? What do you think is going to happen to Ira? How is anyone going to rescue him? Do you think he will survive without any food or water? 

Are you curious about how Nicholas Sparks got interested in bull-riding? Check out the video below to hear Sparks's thoughts on the sport. Then, check out this video in which Sparks talks to an actual bull rider. 

I hope you'll check back next week as we read through chapter 22! Leave me a comment to let me know what you thought of this first section!