Passion, Perseverance, And Peers: What I Learned About Publishing from Best-Selling Author Randy Overbeck

I’ve been a reader and writer most of my life and often wondered what it actually takes to become a published author. Recently, I had the fortune of asking retired Greene County educator turned best-selling author Randy Overbeck to share his journey to publication and how he assists other writers with their own publishing dreams.  

Through many trials and tribulations, Overbeck is an award-winning author of his best-selling series The Haunted Shore Mysteries. A veteran educator and lifelong writer, Overbeck melds his two passions into helping prospective writers get their works published. Hosting “How to Get Published” programs at the Greene County Public Library this October and November, Overbeck shares a sneak peek about what folks can expect to learn from him.


When did you first know you wanted to become an author? What inspired you to take the initial leap to pursue publishing your books?

I’ve wanted to be a writer all my life. In high school, I was going to pen the next great American novel. However, around this time, I got the call to serve children as an educator and pursued that role for four decades. I never lost my writing itch, and I continued to be a storyteller during my career. In fact, much of my teaching was one kind of storytelling or another. When my professional life slowed down, I returned to my first love and reignited the writing fire.

Knowing you’ll expand on this during your programs, can you share an obstacle that frustrated you the most and an ah-ha moment or insight that made getting published an easier process for you?

Surviving the gauntlet that is traditional publishing took every ounce of commitment and perseverance I could summon up. Having my initial query efforts turned down 100 times made me question whether I could ever succeed. Only when a publisher finally recognized the potential of my work did my prospects brighten. It paid off for the press as I am now one of their top selling authors.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give prospective and emerging writers?

If they haven’t yet, I always advise emerging writers to find a writers’ critique group. I’ve learned that although writing is a solitary activity, none of us can be successful alone. A good writers’ group can give any writer, especially emerging ones, fresh perspectives on their work and remarkable insights on how to make the writing stronger. I’m confident my novels would not be near as good without the input from the colleagues in my own writing group. I meet with them almost every week.

What’s your favorite book you’ve written & published so far and why?

My favorite is my latest title, Cruel Lessons, an atmospheric mystery about a drug pusher dealing hallucinogens to high school and middle school students and the rush to catch him before more kids die. I think it’s some of the best writing I’ve ever done, and the basic story/plot has a rich history that stretches back more than 20 years. It also won “Mystery of the Year for ‘23” from

What else can folks expect to hear and learn about at your program in Xenia and Beavercreek?

Participants will gain insight into the reality of the landscape of traditional book publishing and how to navigate it. They will learn the details of what I call “The Five Steps from Written Page to Published Book” that can guide them in their writing journey, and they will receive a number of resources to support their efforts.


All those looking to pursue the path of publishing are invited to join Overbeck at his programs happening this fall. Be sure to register online to save your seat!

Xenia @ REACH

Tuesday, October 22ndHow to Get Published

Carol Graff Beavercreek Library

Saturday, November 2ndHow to Get Published