Have you ever wanted to see live sea creatures at the library? Learn about ocean conservation with Newport Aquarium’s WAVE Foundation while getting up close and personal with live sting rays, sea urchins, horseshoe crabs, and so much more.
I had the opportunity to discuss why it’s important for kids to learn about aquatic animals and their ecosystems with Erin Shultz, WAVE’s Education Manager.
Can you tell us a little bit about the WAVE Foundation and its mission?
WAVE Foundation is a nonprofit partner of Newport Aquarium, and we get to extend the footprint of our impact out into the community. Our mission is to excite, engage, and educate our community about the wonders of aquatic life and the importance of conservation. We do this through educational outreach programs to schools, libraries, and other community centers. We also host volunteers at the Aquarium and facilitate conservation action projects in our local community and around the world.
This year’s summer reading theme is Oceans of Possibilities; what would you like kids & teens to take away from your programs when it comes to ocean life conservation?
Conservation is a global effort. We may not be able to see marine life from Ohio or Kentucky, but our actions every day impact our local ecosystems, and the global ecosystem as a whole. Every time you use a reusable item instead of single-use plastic, that is beneficial. Each piece of trash you pick up, and every time you talk to a friend about conservation; you make a positive difference for our environment. Even small acts are important to the global effort!
What should our patrons expect from your tide pool, shark cart, and ray cart experiences? What should they know going in?
Ask questions! Kids, teens, adults, EVERYONE! We have loads to share about all the animals we are bringing, but our main goal is to support your curiosity and help you explore. You will get a chance to see the animals up close to truly understand their incredible survival skills and connect this to our support of conservation every day.
What’s your favorite part about doing these presentations for kids & teens?
This is truly my favorite part about my job. I love to help community members learn about animals they may have never even heard of before, and certainly never dreamed of being up close with. Animals that live in the ocean have unique adaptations to support this survival and sharing these incredible stories is what I love most. So, bring your curiosity, engage fully, and we will be sure to have a great time this summer!
Don’t miss the Newport Aquariums WAVE Foundation and their amazing aquatic animals at your community library this August!
August 2 – Xenia Community Library
August 5 – Bellbrook Community Library
Aug 11 – Beavercreek Community Library
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