Coraline, Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the Online Book Club discussion of Coraline.

What did you think of this section? Did you think it was more spooky than the first section? 

Were you surprised that Coraline's parents were taken? I figured something horrible was going to happen at the beginning of the section because it seemed too easy when Coraline left the other world to come home at the end of the last section. I knew there was going to be something more sinister that would have to happen in the story. Where do you think her parents are exactly? Do you think the other mother was able to come in at night and steal them away? How else would they have been kidnapped? Do you think they walked through the door themselves? 

I thought it was nice when Coraline recounted the story about her dad saving her from the bees. I liked seeing that her parents were loving and caring towards her, even though they were really busy in the first section. I liked that she decided to go to rescue her parents because she knew they would have done that for her. What kind of magic do you think the other mother is working with? It was crazy that she was able to manipulate images to make Coraline think that her parents were telling her to stay with the other family. 

This other world is very confusing to me. In that one part, Coraline tried to walk out of the area but ended up in a mist that brought her right back to where she started. And, it's just so weird that everything is almost the same as Coraline's real house. What do you think of the other world? What do you think of the mirror that the other mother uses to trap people? 

What did you think once Coraline met those other children who had captured by the other mother? Do you think the other mother lives off of the souls of her stolen children? Is that the impression you got by that scene? How do you think Coraline is able to be so brave? I can't believe she decided to go against the other mother, even though this other mother is so scary!

Coraline convinces the other mother to play a game for everyone's freedom. Do you think the other mother will keep her end of the bargain? Were you surprised when Coraline was able to see all of the souls by looking through her special stone? It was awfully creepy when she had to reach through that weird sac thing to get the soul in Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's flat. That whole scene was pretty scary! 

What do you think is going to happen in the last section? Do you think Coraline is going to be able to win the game and get everyone free? Do you think the other mother will be able to let go without a fight? 

Check out this behind the scenes look at the making of the Coraline movie. Can you even imagine how much work it took to get the story to the screen? 

Thanks for following along this week. I hope to hear all of your thoughts about this section in the comments. Make sure to finish the book before checking back next week!